A key aspect of changing the system is shifting how decisions are made and to do that we must change who gets a seat at the table. We at LINK Houston are proud to serve as a voting member on the Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC), which evaluates billions of dollars in infrastructure projects for our 8-country region. LINK Houston participates in both the TAC’s Bylaws Committee and the Nominating Committee. This year, the Bylaw’s committee expanded positions for business and citizens’ interests and environmental planning across the subcommittees, effectively changing the rules for who can be a voting member in these bodies. LINK Houston successfully nominated diverse stakeholders from across Houston to serve in expert advisory roles on the Pedestrian & Bicycle, Transportation & Air Quality, Regional Transit Coordination, Regional Transportation Plan, and Transportation Improvement Plan Subcommittees. Congratulations to our nominees who are officially at the table!

LINK Houston | August 17, 2020