Climate change summit teaches students what’s at stake

V. P. Wright raised her voice and gesticulated, her tight blonde curls bouncing under a black fedora as she explained how environmental disasters like the Flint, Michigan, water crisis have disproportionately impacted marginalized communities. Speaking to a group of students and environmental activists Saturday, Wright went on to explain the concept of epigenetics, how [...]

2020-02-24T21:58:41+00:00February 24th, 2020|

This Family Survived an African Refugee Camp. Their New Challenge: Surviving Houston Without a Car.

One of the Bayou City’s biggest immigrant gateways, southwest Houston, is a dangerous and daunting place for pedestrians. Until January, Merci Madilu and his older brother, Espoir, had spent most of their existence in a refugee camp in the landlocked Central African nation of Burundi, where they shared a one-room, mud-walled shelter with their [...]

2020-02-10T23:04:33+00:00February 10th, 2020|

Adjustments to TxDot’s I-45 project to be unveiled by city planners

HOUSTON – Houston City Planners are set to unveil their recommendations to segment three of TxDot’s North Houston High Improvement Project during a community workshop Thursday night. This marks the second series of workshops where concerned residents will have the opportunity to voice their opinions about the design. The first workshop will be held [...]

2020-02-10T22:50:37+00:00February 10th, 2020|

Metro unlikely to eliminate fares after analysis finds increased costs

Free fares appear to be a hard sell for Houston area transit officials, who said while they are open to exploring discounts, people boarding buses and trains will need to fork over $1.25 for the foreseeable future. After a comprehensive analysis by Metropolitan Transit Authority staff, transit board members said removing fares from the [...]

2020-01-22T21:38:45+00:00January 22nd, 2020|

Would Free Transit Incentivize More Riders? METRO Gathers Input On Whether To Stop Collecting Fares

Transit agencies around the country, including in Houston, are considering whether to cut or reduce their transit fares. If you ride a local METRO bus in Harris County it will most likely cost you $1.25, though there are also half-priced fares for students, seniors and people with disabilities. But what if you didn’t have [...]

2020-01-22T21:32:59+00:00January 22nd, 2020|

Road deaths rise in Houston region, despite new efforts to end fatalities

Despite stepped-up efforts to reduce fatalities on Houston-area roads, 2019 remained a deadly year for drivers, passengers and other road users. The number of lives lost on roads and highways appears likely to exceed the number of deaths from 2018 in Greater Houston, made up of Harris and the seven adjacent counties, even as [...]

2020-01-22T21:26:30+00:00January 22nd, 2020|

A safer intersection is finally being built but change across the city is too slow? [Opinion]

In early 2016, I crossed the intersection of Fannin, Main and Sunset with my mother, Marj Corcoran, who taught physics at Rice for over 35 years and used that crosswalk hundreds of times. She told me that day how scared crossing there as part of her regular bike commute made her, and how how [...]

2021-04-30T19:31:45+00:00December 19th, 2019|

Voters backed Metro. Now the agency must get to work. [Editorial]

In an election where most major races headed to run-offs, the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s bond referendum was a clear winner. Voters overwhelmingly approving a proposal that will allow Metro to borrow up to $3.5 billion to help fund bus and rail projects over the next 20 years . The ambitious MetroNext expansion plan, which [...]

2019-12-05T20:06:09+00:00December 5th, 2019|

Bond Voyage! Houston Faces $3.5B Transit Decision

Voters in Houston can upgrade their transit system without a tax increase in a new $3.5 billion ballot measure this fall. Houston has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to modernize its transit system this fall — and the city hopes to learn from Nashville’s mistakes. The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County signed off last week on [...]

2019-08-26T19:53:36+00:00August 26th, 2019|