City of Houston & TxDOT MOU & Harris County & TxDOT MOU Thoughts
What is an MOU and why are we talking about it? City of Houston’s Mayor Turner, with support from Harris County officials, responded to public outcry by facilitating a re-visioning community engagement process in 2019 into early 2020. The City presented the new vision to the public and TxDOT in April 2020. Over the last [...]
S.A.F.E. Sidewalks – Second Ward
Safety and Accessibility for Equitable Sidewalks LINK Houston recently piloted S.A.F.E. Sidewalks (Safety and Accessibility for Equitable Sidewalks) in Second Ward to help raise awareness of the importance of safe and accessible infrastructure. Together with residents and volunteers, we audited sidewalks across a half square mile in the Second Ward neighborhood, collecting data and [...]
Equity in Transit: 2021
Download Full Report (.pdf) Explore the report View Fullscreen StoryMap Executive Summary Public transit plays a central role in connecting people to jobs, education, health care and many other opportunities. Equity in Transit: 2021 combines data analysis and riders’ experiences collected through the 2021 Houston Bus Rider Survey. The report explores how transit [...]
Briefing: LINK Houston Public Comments – Unified Transportation Program – NHHIP
Unified Transportation Program - Public Involvement August 2, 2021 This is Jonathan Brooks with LINK Houston. We advocate for a robust and equitable transportation network so that all people can reach opportunity. Governor Abbott’s Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) and the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) would have the public believe the only option for [...]
Briefing: Tell the Federal Highway Administration to prioritize public health, safety, and equity in street design – especially for people walking, rolling, and biking
Transportation engineering currently prioritizes convenience for people driving over safety for people walking or biking. This makes streets more dangerous for everyone, including drivers. Now is your opportunity to change all that. Public comments are wanted on revisions to one of transportation engineering’s “bibles,” the 700-page Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD). [...]
Briefing: Transportation access at COVID-19 vaccine sites
LINK Houston urges the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Harris County to consider multiple mobility options in their plans for COVID-19 vaccination distribution at NRG and additional sites so that people with disabilities, those without access to a vehicle, and aging persons who no longer drive are able to access vaccination sites. Our [...]