Report finds need for sustainable, reliable public transit throughout COVID-19 pandemic

"The study found that even though COVID-19 caused an estimated 40% decrease in public transportation use due to fear of the virus, a significant number of essential workers continued to rely on the METRO transit system to get to their jobs as their only source of transportation. (Courtesy Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County)"

A new report released in October by nonprofit Air Alliance Houston shows the need for reliable and well-funded public transportation in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Presented at the Oct. 28 Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County board of directors meeting, the COVID and Public Transit in the Houston Region report was a collaboration between Air Alliance Houston, advocacy group LINK Houston and the Robert D. Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice.

The presentation showed 67% of fixed-route transit trips were taken on buses before the pandemic hit in early 2020. The study found that even though COVID-19 caused an estimated 40% decrease in public transportation use due to fear of the virus, a significant number of essential workers continued to rely on METRO’s transit system to get to their jobs as their only source of transportation.

“We know that people use transit for a variety of trips,” said Ines Sigel, interim executive director for LINK Houston. [Read more.]

Sierra Rozen| October 28, 2021
Community Impact Newspaper
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