Briefing: Tell the Federal Highway Administration to prioritize public health, safety, and equity in street design – especially for people walking, rolling, and biking

People biking and walking in downtown Houston

Transportation engineering currently prioritizes convenience for people driving over safety for people walking or biking. This makes streets more dangerous for everyone, including drivers.

Now is your opportunity to change all that.

Public comments are wanted on revisions to one of transportation engineering’s “bibles,” the 700-page Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD). If you left your home this week to go anywhere, traveling via any means, then you interacted with a street influenced by the MUTCD. The MUTCD was last rewritten 50 years ago from the point of view of expediting vehicle movement and is full of assumptions, restrictions, and contradictions that hinder efforts to improve safety and create vibrant, welcoming streets.

Join us in telling the federal government and transportation engineers we want to see a better, more equitable future. We modeled our comments on templates from Salud America! – in just one minute you can too.

View LINK Houston MUTCD Comments and get yours in by May 14, 2021.

LINK Houston
May 10, 2021
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