LINK Houston Endorses Prop B; urges the Houston-Galveston Area Council to negotiate a fair representation framework for the entire region

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September 14, 2023

HOUSTON, TX – The LINK Houston Board of Directors agreed to endorse Proposition B to reform the Houston-Galveston Area Council.

City of Houston Proposition B would compel Houston’s regional government, the Houston-Galveston Area Council, to consider population in its voting structure, addressing the severe underrepresentation of more populous members such as Houston and Harris County. If passed, this amendment will add language to the City of Houston charter requiring that any Council of Government or Metropolitan Planning Organization of which Houston is a member adopt a population proportional voting system. Since December 2022, LINK Houston staff has been working closely with organizers from Fair for Houston to provide policy guidance.

“Since our founding, LINK Houston’s focus has been building a transportation network that works for all Houstonians,” said Gabe Cazares, Executive Director. “That simply cannot be achieved in the current framework of the Houston-Galveston area council. Time and time again we’ve seen that the interests of Houston and Harris County don’t receive adequate consideration- most recently with the I-45 expansion. We urge all parties to negotiate in good faith to develop a representation structure that benefits everyone equitably.”


LINK Houston is a non-profit organization that advocates for a robust and equitable transportation network so that all people can reach opportunity. For more information, please visit

For further media inquiries please Contact:

Nick Arcos
Director of Communications
Mobile: (713) 906-8345

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