Job Opportunities2018-10-09T22:10:58+00:00

Job Opportunities

The Nexus of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing and “Good” Transit

LINK Houston is teaming up with the Rice University Kinder Institute for Urban Research to study where naturally occurring affordable housing and high-quality transit coincide in Houston. The project will highlight how housing and transportation access affordability are related and produce practical tools to help housing stakeholders and individuals make well-informed decisions about their [...]

Community Members Ask METRO Board to Prioritize Equity in METRONext Implementation

Houston-area residents joined LINK Houston for the November 21 METRO Board meeting to congratulate the transit agency on the successful bond referendum and urge METRO to prioritize improvements that adhere to METRO’s public commitments to equity. Community members representing Gulfton, Eastex-Jensen, Kashmere and Houston Trinity Gardens, and the Living Hope Wheelchair Association asked METRO [...]

Voters backed Metro. Now the agency must get to work. [Editorial]

In an election where most major races headed to run-offs, the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s bond referendum was a clear winner. Voters overwhelmingly approving a proposal that will allow Metro to borrow up to $3.5 billion to help fund bus and rail projects over the next 20 years . The ambitious MetroNext expansion plan, which [...]