Essential workers in Houston relied on public transit during the pandemic, a new report says

"METRO officials predict that it may be years before ridership returns to pre-pandemic levels, according to a new report from Air Alliance Houston. Photo via Flickrr"

While essential workers continued to utilize public transit, overall ridership has decreased by about 40% in Houston, according to a new report.

Public transit has been a “lifeline” for many essential workers in the Houston area during the COVID-19 pandemic — despite overall ridership having decreased by about 40%, according to a new report.

The report — published by Air Alliance Houston in collaboration with LINK Houston and Texas Southern University — examines how the pandemic has affected METRO ridership in three Houston neighborhoods: Kashmere Gardens and Greater Fifth Ward, Greater Third Ward, and Sharpstown and Gulfton. [Read more.]

Lucio Vasquez and Sara Willa Ernst | October 6, 2021
Houston Public Media
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