Increase Transportation Access to Housing

We strive to increase access to opportunity, particularly concerning affordable housing, as well as access to work, education, and healthy living.


Houston faces a decreasing supply of affordable housing, increasing rents, and an eviction crisis. Additionally, residents continue to spend a high proportion of their income on transportation, reflected by increasing costs of vehicle ownership per household. These transportation costs compound the affordability challenge. In order to address affordability for Houstonians, we must consider housing and transportation costs together.

1 out of 3 of affordable dwellings is near high-quality, affordable transportation.
The average household spends 25% of income on housing and 20% on transportation— right at the 45% threshold of cost-burdened.
The average moderate-income Houston household spends  31% of income on housing and  22% on transportation  putting moderate income households firmly over the 45% threshold of cost-burdened


Houston faces a decreasing supply of affordable housing, increasing rents, and an eviction crisis. Additionally, residents continue to spend a high proportion of their income on transportation, reflected by increasing costs of vehicle ownership per household. These transportation costs compound the affordability challenge. In order to address affordability for Houstonians, we must consider housing and transportation costs together.

Equity in Transit: 2024
Equity in Transit: 2020
Report: Where Affordable Housing and Transportation Meet in Houston
2023 Mayoral Candidate Runoff Questionnaire
The VRA: What’s in it, and LINK Houston’s Thoughts
Briefing: LINK Houston’s comments on Walkable Places and Transit-Oriented Development ordinance amendments


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